syntax theory

英 [ˈsɪntæks ˈθɪəri] 美 [ˈsɪntæks ˈθiːəri]

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  1. However, any scientific solutions to the configurational problems in complex system, it argues, could only be expressed in a reductionist way, as the space syntax theory did and will do.
  2. There is no doubt that among Chomsky's syntax theories, Principles and Parameters Theory has been the most mature formal linguistics theory which has the largest explanatory power.
  3. RDF/ RDF Schema is a sound and complete formal system, which has BNF formal syntax and model theory based formal semantic.
  4. The flexibility of Chinese syntax and the theory of syntax
  5. Next three chapters conducts a contrastive study from the point of syntax, semantics and pragmatics on the base of three stratum grammatical theory.
  6. From the three perspectives of syntax, semantics and pragmatics as well as the cognitive linguistic theory, latent-patent theory and iconicity theory, this paper analyses the semantic features and the reasons about the type of phrases like ch ī sh í t á ng as accepted forms.
  7. In the syntax theory language is always in static state as well as in dynamic state.
  8. The syntax system in Ma Shi Wen Tong consists of five parts, Syntax Unit Theory, Sentence Composition Theory, Cases Theory, Sentence Structure Pattern Theory and Sentence Mood Type Theory.
  9. A new method of recognition and classification based on syntax pattern recognition theory was presented, which towards images of metal fracture surface.
  10. Only partial interpretation can be achieved on the study on English locative inversion via the case theory in syntax, verbal unaccusativity in the lexicon, or focus theory in pragmatics separately;
  11. Firstly, the author introduces the event structure and the event syntax theory in detail, and this theory assumes that the predicate verb and the object should be quantized if a sentence denotes a delimited event.
  12. Focused on three aspects of syntax, semeiotics and pragmatics theoretical background, this article is to gain a proper understanding of the construction, combined with cognitive linguistics, construction grammar, the title syntax theory and so on.
  13. Space Syntax theory regards physical city as the object of initial concern, discovering eco-nomic and social process by investigating city pattern.
  14. On space and social space syntax is a series of theory and technology, its core idea is not the background of social economic activity space, but a part of social economic activities.
  15. On the other hand, this thesis uses some examples in morphology, syntax and phonology to explore the application of prototype theory to the study of linguistic structure.
  16. This article from the linguistics angle, by syntax, semantics and pragmatics three-plane theory, combined with the title examples to discuss characteristics of verbs 'in title.
  17. Based on those theoretic statements, the author respectively explores the C-E news translation on the levels of lexicon, syntax and discourse from the perspective of relevance theory with authentic examples.
  18. The paper promotes a evaluation system of network city construction by choosing four parameters including global integration, locate integration, intelligibility, synergy which are highly related to urban form in space syntax theory.
  19. The present thesis studies the syntax of quantifiers in the framework of DP Analysis and the Phase Theory.
  20. It indirectly discusses the poetry forms and rules in poetic sense by observing traditional linguistics, syntax, rhetorical structure theory and the morphology of reflection.
  21. It is a new idea that syntax and semantics analysis based on type grammar of formal semantic. It introduces western modern logic grammar theory, but it is not limited to this. It is more suitable for operation on Chinese than rule-based limited syntactic analysis.
  22. Chapter Two firstly analyzes the characteristic of the serial-verb syntax and the telescopic syntax in Modern Chinese. Secondly, explains the generation of the serial-verb compound words and telescopic compound words from the perspective of syntactic and semantic framework combined with the theory of Cognitive linguistics.
  23. Chapter IV space-based construction of urban space syntax, a synthesis of space syntax theory and analysis techniques, as well as the perspective of self-organization in the system, how to construct urban space systems.
  24. In order to possess a better understanding of lexical meaning and syntax interface in the perspective of generative grammar, we also make a horizontal comparison between generative grammar theory and other relevant theories.
  25. Chapter 2 reveals deeply the semantics, the syntax and the language uses of the "yilv" and "yigai" from the angle of the same time throgh utilizing grammar "three planes" theory.
  26. Application of space syntax theory and in downtown Chongqing as an example to demonstrate the evolution of urban spatial dimension.
  27. Traditional translation theories have generally advocated a bottom-up analysis of the translation process which is from diction to syntax and then to discourse analysis, while the functionalist translation theory presents a top-down analysis of the translation process.